Social Committee Taking Volunteers

The Social Committee is taking suggestions for the upcoming holiday parties this year. We are also seeking volunteers who would be willing to help us judge the Holiday Lights Contest. Judges must be unbiased, be willing to remain anonymous and have a jolly spirit. Please email if you would…

Grounds Update

If you have a particular interest in grounds and wish to be part of the discussion moving forward, the Grounds Committee will be meeting to address this area in detail prior to the Annual Homeowners Budgeting Meeting. Please be on the lookout for date and time. The grounds folks has…

Fall Leaf Pick-Up Dates

Nelson's Landscaping has been contracted to handle the LDC Fall Leaf Clean Up. The dates will be October 28th and November 18th. Please rake leaves to the curb and leave in a single pile in front of your home. A gentle reminder this is for leaf pick up only, not…
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