What about LDC Day?

What about LDC Day?

For obvious and unfortunate reasons, our annual LDC Day will not be the same as in years past. That doesn’t mean we can’t still explore ways to celebrate our collective awesomeness on Sunday, Sept. 6. This includes the potential for mini celebrations within each court that will help reduce the amount of bodies in any given spot. 
We’re open to any and all thoughts on how we can carry on the time-honored LDC Day tradition. Please share any ideas by emailing social@lacducours.org.
Pool Update
Click on the link below to sign-up for the pool slots of your choice from Saturday the 18th through Friday the 24th. Also, another reminder to refrain from taking photos or videos of the lifeguards. If you do, your pool privileges will be revoked for the remainder of the summer. 
Architectural Reviews
With many vacations being cancelled, it’s entirely possible residents will repurpose those summer vacation dollars for exterior home renovations. If you choose to do so, any exterior alterations, such as siding, patios, sunrooms, fencing and sheds, should be first approved by LDC’s Architectural Review Committee. 
Please contact Chris Korjenek (ckorjenek@gmail.com) with any questions.