Everyone please welcome Bill Gruber, Meg Noyesand Brooke Meyersas our three newest members of the LDC Board! Bill, Meg and Brooke graciously volunteered their time and services to the community at Wednesday’s board meeting. They’ll be tagging in for retiring board members Scott Krueger and Chris Korjenek, who both admirably served on the board the last three years.
Get Your Cannonballs Ready
The pool will be open Memorial Day weekend, starting Saturday, May 25 and running through Monday, May 27 from 12 to 8 p.m. on all three days. We’ll maintain those hours on June 1-2 and 8-9, with the pool opening for the entire summer starting Friday, June 14. The pool will close if there’s inclement weather, the temperature drops below 65 degrees or there is low attendance.
Pro tip: The key to a good cannonball is tucking all limbs. A tight tuck will help ensure a clean water entrance and an optimal splash radius. This kid gets it:

Rec Guide Updates
Two minor updates to the recently shared LDC Recreation Guide:
- Swimming lesson dates have been revised to accommodate lifeguard school schedules
- Summer campout has been bumped back to Saturday, Aug. 3
Got brush? Dump it!
Sticks piling up? Grass clippings consuming your yard? Dead bushes creating an eyesore? Don’t throw it in a common area. Take it to Mequon’s Brush and Yard Waste Disposal Centerfor a completely reasonable $25 annual fee. If you need a little something extra to transport your waste, call Hack Noyes (262-242-9987) to reserve LDC’s trailer at no charge.
Volunteers Needed …
… to reseal the playset by the pool. We need 2-4 residents with:
- appropriate painting gear
- childlike wonder; and
- the dexterity of the world’s finest surgeon. (It doesn’t need to be thaaaaat good.)
Painting supplies will be provided. Email (tylerhicks48@yahoo.com) or call (239-246-3400) Tyler Hicks if you’re able to help.
3 … 2 … 1 … Scavenge
Hopefully everyone honed their scavenging skills over winter, because this year’s LDC Scavenger hunt is on the horizon. This year’s event will be held Saturday, July 20 from 10-11:15 a.m. all around Mequon. Cost is a $5 spot per family.