That’s right, Laq Du Cours day is back! This is your official SAVE THE DATE for Sunday, September 5, 2021.

BUT…here’s the thing. It’s going to take all of us to make this a great event. In the past, we’ve had over 70 volunteers on the day of LDC helping with a variety of tasks spanning from meals in the clubhouse, to overseeing the dunk tank, to giving out cotton candy, to trash duty, and more.
We’ll need just as much help this year, and we’ll be sending out a sign-up as we get closer to the event.
However, we have an important ask…
Typically, a member of the board (the Social Chair) would oversee all of the volunteers and bring this day to life. As of today, we still don’t have a Social Chair on our board. But guess what – this could be you!
If you’re interested in helping organize LDC Day and orchestrating other fun social activities for children and adults throughout the year, this is the position for you!
You may be thinking, “But I’ve never done anything like this.” Not to worry! Many of the board members are volunteers just like you with various levels of experience. But the one thing we all have in common is that we want to make our little piece of Mequon the best place to live. And as it relates to the duties of the Social Chair, the plans are already laid out and ready for whoever wants to take up the helm next (big thanks to Liz Olson, our previous Social Chair for all her help documenting this).
So what do you say?
If you’d be interested in taking up the Social Chair position on the board or even helping to be part of a committee devoted to the success of LDC Day, respond back to this email ( and let us know! We’ll be meeting soon to plan the event and could use all the help we can get!
And hey, if overseeing a dunk tank is more your speed, we appreciate your help in whichever form it comes! Stay tuned for a sign-up form in the near future.

And finally – GO BUCKS!!!