Hello, LDC – Happy Spring!
REMINDER: If you have not paid them already, please remit payment for your HOA Assessments ASAP. Payments should be mailed to LDC Homes Association, P.O. Box 512, Mequon, WI 53092.
SAVE THE DATE: Please save the date for our semi-annual Home Owners’ Meeting, which will take placement the evening of May 18, 2021. Time and Location TBA.
There are THREE OPEN BOARD POSITIONS we hope you will consider:
(1) Communications: responsible for these super fun and informative emails, preparation of the LDC Directory and the monthly meeting minute taker! Currently, this position is held by Lindsey Burghardt, who can be reached at: lindsey.zimick@gmail.com or (414) 499-5518.
(2) Grounds: this is a “team position” and this lucky person will join Meg Noyes in the continued beautification of LDC! Currently, this position is held by Barb Tock, who can be reached at: bbtock@gmail.com or (414) 232-9300.
(3) Social: this position would be perfect for a creative and fun individual who can establish a committee of helpers. The main function of the Social Committee is to plan and coordinate social events, for all ages, including “LDC Day,” which is held on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend. Despite 2020, we hope you will consider helping keep LDC social 🙂 Currently, this position is held by Liz Olson, who can be reached at Liz.Olson2@gmail.com or (414) 550-1210.
Board positions are volunteer and the term is 3 years. We are welcoming all residents who are interested in being on the Board; it doesn’t matter if you are new to the neighborhood or have lived here for many years! All are welcome. LDC Board membership/participation is a wonderful opportunity to feel connected with the community and meet new people!
All board positions are well documented to provide an easy transition for the new board members. If you have questions about the Board or any of the open positions, please feel free to reach out!
Keep an eye out for more information about Stick Pick-Up Day (i.e., that magical day when someone comes by to collect all the sticks you removed from your yard) and Spring Help Day (i.e., that amazing opportunity to join together with your Neighbors to get LDC ready for SUMMER).
Stay Tuned and Stay Safe!