Wolverine sang and danced and circused his way into our hearts during last Friday’s first Flick ‘n’ Float of the summer. Now, it’s time for an animated Rock disguised as a demigod to help SAVE THE WORLD!
This Friday’s flick ‘n’ float will feature Moana (rated PG) starting shortly after 8 p.m. The Eats and Treats food truck (now with more burgers!) will provide pre-movie sustenance from 6 to 8 p.m.
Scavenger Hunt Rescheduled
Keep those scavenging pants in your scavenging closet a little longer. This weekend’s previously scheduled scavenger hunt has been rescheduled for Aug. 3 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. This’ll give you an extra two weeks to track down a pair of those hot scavenging shoes with the reinforced ankle support. Please RSVP to social@lacducours.org to participate.
Pickleball Anyone?
Feeling a little unsure about this whole pickleball thing? Well, you’re in luck! Kelly Whalen, a long-time tennis and pickleball player, will be offering pickleball lessons on Tuesday, July 30 from 6 to 7 p.m. for the low, low price of $10. Lessons will cover the basics, along with some tricky tricks you can lay on that rascal Samson at the Y. Contact Chris Korjenek (ckorjenek@gmail.com) if you’re interested.
And don’t forget to sign up for adult pickleball (Tuesdays) and tennis (Thursdays) at this link.
Neighborhood Campout Coming Up
Saturday, Aug. 3 marks this year’s annual LDC campout. All ages are welcome to join neighbors at the soccer fields with your tent, grilling meats, drinks and a dish to pass starting at 4 p.m. We’ll cook food, roast s’mores and invent at least seven constellations. Wake up the next morning to a hearty plate of continental breakfast.
If you’re interested, submit your registration paperwork along with $20 per family to 10317 Fontainbleau Ct!