No. 1: The pleasant-smelling Green Bay Packers vs. the stinky Chicago Bears
Come watch Aaron Rodgers and the Packers give the ol’ okie-doke to Khalil Mack and the Bears on Sunday, Dec. 15 from 12-3 p.m. at the clubhouse. Bring a snack to share and RSVP to to participate.
No. 2: LDC Annual Budget Meeting
The annual winter budget meeting is scheduled for Monday, Dec. 16 starting at 7 p.m. You’ll receive a packet of information roughly a week prior to the meeting that you may peruse while you revel in the Packer victory over the Bears.
No. 3: Old Timers Partaaaaay
Have you lived in LDC prior to or as of 1999? If so, you’re officially an LDC old timer, which means you can attend the annual Old Timers Party. The shindig will be held Thursday, Dec. 19 at the clubhouse starting at 5:30 p.m. Sharing motivational stories of the great Vince Lombardi is optional, but strongly encouraged. More details.
No. 4: Noon Year Dance Party
DJ Kitty Kat (not a real thing) will be live and in feline for the Noon Year’s Dance Party. Come to the clubhouse on Tuesday, Dec. 31 at 11:30 a.m. Pizza will be served followed by the freshest, funkiest dance party this side of the Packers-Bears rivalry. Please RSVP to for planning purposes.