It’s that time of year when some board members step down and others step up! This year we have three positions that have completed their 3 year board term as of May/June 2024 and we’re looking for residents to step into these roles. Role 1: Capital Projects Chair (NEW) Note: In the last couple of years we’ve had two Grounds chairs due to the level of work needed for Ash tree removal and reforestation. As that work has come to an end, we’ve re-evaluated the roles needed on the board and have created a new role that would serve as a lead for our capital projects, working with other board members to oversee these projects. Primary Responsibilities: – Attending monthly board meetings – Project manage capital projects from start to finish – working with the respective board members. – Oversee LDC Asset review (2024) and deliver results to residents – Prioritize capital projects needed in future years. Send an email to to learn more about this role. Role 2: Communications Chair Primary Responsibilities – Attending monthly board meetings – Taking notes and keeping attendance records during board meetings – Sending emails to residents to alert them of HOA updates and events – Maintaining LDC website and Facebook group – Updating and printing LDC directory (printed once a year) – Overseeing the inbox and the corresponding Google Drive where our files are kept. Send an email to Jamie LeRoy to learn more about this role. Role 3: Social Chair Primary Responsibilities – Attending monthly board meetings – Primary lead for LDC Day in September (our biggest social event of the year) – Working with a social committee to plan and organize social events throughout the year. – Manage and organize all volunteers needed for social events. Send an email to Gretchen Miller to learn more about this role. Hesitant? Don’t be! We’ve got you covered! Each of these roles will have a full onboarding process. You’ll learn the ins and outs of each role from each previous board member (or for the new role, you’ll have the full board to work with!). Additionally, the two existing roles have had extensive documentation so that the next board member in charge has detailed instructions on how to be successful. A Final Note: Stepping up to be an LDC Board member is an amazing opportunity to get more involved with your community and better understand what it means to live in such an amazing and unique community! If you haven’t been a board member yet, please strongly consider it as a way to invest in the spaces you know and love. |
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