Ash Tree Update

Significant progress has been made toward removing the ash trees behind Riviera, Burgundy and Brittany Courts, with the goal of tackling Normandy Court next. A few items to consider as this work progresses:

  • All ash trees are being taken down as carefully as possible with the intention of leaving as little of a footprint as possible.
  • No specimen trees are being removed, but some Basswood/Linden trees may need to be removed if they’re too close to an ash tree. Every effort is being made to maintain these trees.
  • Any removed buckthorn has neither been treated nor pulled from the roots, so will vigorously regrow.
  • Equipment is being used to clear underbrush where necessary and aerial equipment for trees near wires and close to houses. WE Energies has refused to help with any trees near wires.

Many will want to plant new trees to replace the recently removed. The LDC Grounds Committee will be meeting in the coming weeks to provide guidelines and recommendations for replanting in these common areas. 

LDC Shout-outs
Thank you to the following residents to go above and beyond to help improve the LDC grounds:

  • Shout-out to Christel and Steve Callen, and their kids, for putting mulch around the playground area.
  • Shout-out to Rich Tock, Hack Noyes, Chris Korjenek, Justin Olson, Rick Mayer and Sam Judd for pruning about 25 trees and removing several trailer loads of dead branches and debris.
  • Shout-out to everyone who gathered sticks from their yards or common areas for pickup by David J. Frank this week.

Trailer Available
Friendly reminder that the community trailer is available for use by any LDC resident. Simply contact Hack Noyes at 262-242-9987 to reserve.