Moonlight Swim

Our last Moonlight Swim was a blast! We'll be having another one this coming Friday. Happy Hour starts at 4:45. Come for a drink, then order yourself some dinner at the pool. We'll have ice cream again around 7:30 for the kids and I think Dr. Tiger will bring back…


Lac Du Cours Day is coming up September 1st. Parade will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the Triangle. This year's Grand Marshall of the Parade is the Zaiss Family, and, of course, the Geese! Flyer packets will be going out this week so look for them in your mailbox. Food…

Identify Yer Boats

The Rules and Regulations state, " All boats stored at the beach or used on the lake must be identified using permanent ink or paint with 'LDC' followed by the lot number of the owner. Unidentified boats will be disposed of at the discretion of the Board." Now, the Board…
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