As we’ve mentioned earlier, we appreciate all of the questions submitted and efforts to reach out to the Board on the 2022 Proposed Budget. Everyone on the Board has read through and discussed all of the questions submitted and we’ve been in active communication every day since we sent this out to residents. Your feedback is very important!
With that said, we’ve been able to respond to some directly on the questions that have been posed and some we’ll be going through in tonight’s budget meeting.
Below are two areas the Board felt would be good to provide more context to all residents in advance of tonight’s meeting.
To be clear, the 2022 proposed budget packet has not changed. All of the numbers previously communicated still remain as is.
If you have any further questions for the Board, please send those to
2022 Proposed Budget Packet
Point of Clarification #1: Grounds Proposal
Meg Noyes, Grounds Chair, drafted the following response when asked about funds proposed for the 2022 Budget.
Regarding the $9,000 grounds enhancement:
This is based on 2021 issues that were not addressed.
Specifically, the common area between Raphael and Schatz properties had a large dead pine tree taken down and it’s nothing but unsightly weed growth now. DJF has provided a proposal to clean that area, plant several bushes suggested by them, and mulch around the plantings.
It also includes the large bare area across from Chantilly, on common ground where 3 dead pine trees were taken down. DJF submitted a proposal for that area. There are also 2 bare spots near the clubhouse where the huge oaks were removed. Since those small areas were not addressed in 2021, we need to decide and budget for them as well.
Regarding the $14,500 line item:
In September the grounds committee suggested that non-ash trees that had died or fallen not be dealt with in 2021 as we had reached the end of our budget.
Thus 2 huge dead willows, the fallen tree near boat racks, the large tree in the common area across and a bit south of the lake parking lot entrance, dead willow near Donges bay entrance all needed to be put in the 2022 grounds budget.
An additional approximately $5,000 has been budgeted for the unexpected and unknown tree issues that may come up in this next calendar year.
Point of Clarification #2: Budget View
Some have noted that the view of the budget from past years and going forward is different than how it has been presented in past years. The purpose of this was to try to provide more clarity to residents about how the money was being spent and how this might look in the future.
None of the numbers have changed, just the view. However, we realize some are used to the old view and so we’ve attached the old format view here. At the meeting, we hope to help you understand why these changes to the view have been made so that we can all come to a shared understanding of the budget going forward.