2 Ways to Keep Off Those Pesky T-Giving Calories

Thanksgiving is great. The people are great. The mini-vacation is great. The football is great. The food is great.

What’s not great? All those pesky calories. But there are two time-tested ways to make sure those calories don’t stick around for the long term.

  1. Make a pre-emptive strike against the calories and rake all of your leaves before Thanksgiving.
  2. Counteract the caloriesand rake all of your leaves after Thanksgiving. 
Round 2 of the Great LDC Leaf Pickup is scheduled for the week of Nov. 26. Rake leaves only (no sticks, grass or other debris) to the PAVEMENT before Monday and someone will pick them up.

**Bonus Tip**Do all of the jumping jacks. All of them. Just do all of the jumping jacks … and feel those yam calories fall to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Or yams.