The Rules and Regulations state, ” All boats stored at the beach or used on the lake must be identified using permanent ink or paint with ‘LDC’ followed by the lot number of the owner. Unidentified boats will be disposed of at the discretion of the Board.” Now, the Board is not suddenly in the Boat disposal business, but this past Spring we had several problems with unidentified boats washing ashore on other people’s lots. Had these boats been marked with “LDC Lot # ____”, we wouldn’t have had to keep sending out mass emails pleading with people to remove their watercraft from other people’s yards.
Additionally, we would like to begin identifying abandoned boats down by the lake and re-purposing them for community use. Please make an effort to mark your boats. We will also be having a “boat marking” event at LDC Day as well.
Finally, if you happen to have old lifejackets or paddles sitting in your garage or basement that you would like to donate to LDC, we would love some to keep in the pump house for the kids and community at large. We would also like to host some canoe races for LDC Day, but we would need residents to allow us the use of their canoes. Please email if you have some paddles or canoes you’d like to donate or a canoe you could lend for LDC Day.